Your IT service partner

Outsourcing in Bulgaria

Founding member of the Bulgarian Association of the Software and Services Industry

Our Services

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With our outsourcing services you remain in control of your IT, getting also the benefit of an outsourced, highly skilled workforce. We rely on best practices for best-in-class service delivery, quality and IT-governance. We’re set on long-term partnerships, based on visibility, mutual trust and competitive pricing for highest quality standards.

Why outsourcing in Bulgaria?

Strategic Nearshore Business Destination
Currency (Bulgarian Lev) pegged to EURO
to register
a new company

Leading Connectivity

Bulgaria holds 7th place of the Netindex Internet coverage and speed index
view the index report

Business Environment

17 place in the world according to A T Kearney’s 2019 Global Services Location Index (GSLI)
view the index report

OutsourceBG Services Ltd nominated company of the year for “Outsourcing” and “IT”

We’re proud to announce that OutsourceBG Services Ltd was nominated 1st place in this years’ Bulgarian “Company of the year awards” in categories “Outsourcing” and a finalist in “IT”. The awards were presented at the ceremony yesterday.

Hereby we’d like to thank all our employees, partners and customers for their commitment, tenacity, innovation and results.
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