Could benchmark make your live outsourcing relationships easier?

Could benchmark make your live outsourcing relationships easier?

2016-04-13 | Business

Outsourcing is about being a good partner to your client. If you achieve their goals they give you more business and you prosper. At least this is how on theory. In reality 'being a good partner" needs to be measured. So how do you do this? Well, you compare yourself against a target. So it all winds up around setting the target correctly. Let's stop here and think for a moment - what do you want as a target? An easy one that will show how good you are and will drive the client away to a cheaper outsource service provider? Or an hard one which can never be reached and will contractually doom your account. You need a benchmark target where you know that somewhere out there there is a team that has done it and if they have so could you. Click here to read more.

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