20 Time Management Tips When You Work From Home

20 Time Management Tips When You Work From Home

2017-11-06 | Leadership

1. Stop trying to multi-task

Multi-tasking doesn't really get you anywhere, instead you just jump from task to task not really finishing anything. If you want to be really productive, focus on one job at a time!  

2. Set yourself deadlines

Don't let things drag on all day. When you give yourself a deadline to complete a task, it makes you work harder and faster until the job is done.

3. Prioritize the most important tasks

It's easy to fall into the trap of starting your day with the smaller tasks. But, if you really want to really maximize your productivity, you should complete your tasks in order of importance.

4. Remove all distractions

Don't let yourself get distracted and waste time. I find it easiest to work in a quiet and clean space. You might also find it beneficial to block all social media websites during your work hours.

5. Keep your mind fresh

After working for several hours, it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed. Take regular short breaks and get fresh air to help clear your head.


6. Learn to work when your most productive

Get to know your most productive hours. Do you work better in the morning? Complete all the big tasks then and save the afternoons for the smaller things like replying to emails.  

7. Set reminders so you stay on track

Set reminders throughout your day or week so you know what tasks need doing and when it's time to do them.  

8. Turn off email alerts and limit inbox checking

If you still have email alerts on your inbox, turn them off now! When you constantly stop what you're doing to read and reply to incoming emails, it kills your productivity! Schedule time to check your emails twice a day and no more!  

9. Batch your tasks

Do you have a lot of repetitive tasks that need doing frequently? I find it helps to do them in batches! Jobs like scheduling your social media can be done a lot faster if you do the whole week, fortnight or month at once!

10. Brain Dump your thoughts

It can be difficult to stay focused when you have loads of thoughts spinning around in your head. Use a notebook and practice brain dumping your thoughts. Every time your thoughts wander off topic, spend a few minutes and write down everything you're thinking about in the notebook. Once they are out your head you can stop thinking about them and get back on track.

11. Sometimes you need to say “no”

Sometimes opportunities arise that you just don’t have time for. Instead of compromising your time, you need to be more picky about agreeing to additional commitments. Sometimes saying “no” is a good thing.  

12. Tidy your workspace

A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind. It’s difficult to focus when your workspace is a mess, so give it a tidy and see how it makes you feel!
Note: If you want to learn how to get better at tiding, read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, it really is life-changing!

13. Get more organised

It's a good idea to spend some time setting up systems and workflows within your business to ensure everything runs as smoothly as it can. If you run a blog, it's just as important to stay organized, especially if you have lot of ongoing projects or deadlines.

14. Get in a routine

Establishing a good routine helps you increase your productivity. When you’re used to doing the same thing on a regular basis you get quicker and more efficient.

15. Manage your stress

You can’t give your work 100% is you’re always stressed out. Consider meditation and exercise to help relieve those built up worries.

16. Delegate tasks

Your time is precious, so stop wasting it on things that you can pay someone else to do and focus on the tasks that really need your attention.

17. Break big projects into smaller steps

Taking on a big project can often be overwhelming and you don’t know where to start. I use Asana to break each project down into smaller more manageable steps and just focus on each task as it comes.  

18. Don’t bite off more than you can chew

Don’t take on projects you can’t complete. Save yourself the stress and anxiety of trying to do everything and learn your limits.  

19. Get inspired

Sometimes you just need a boost of inspiration to get you going. Find inspiring images, videos, quotes or stories to motivate yourself to take action.  

20. Stop wasting time on things that don't matter

Finally, remember to focus on what matters. Stop nitpicking at the small details and focus on the bigger picture. What can you do to the most out of your time?

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